We can’t live without it. It’s there all the time. We can see it in infants when they need attention. Or, as grown adults when life gives us challenges (everyday).
Yet we hear negative comments about stress as if it’s not supposed to happen or it’s some sort of punishment.
I was working with my coach last week and sharing on a follow-up situation we had been working on. She was very concerned for my wellbeing and how I was taking care of myself. This hit me in an odd way, I was fine, I felt completely balanced, almost unemotional about it all. As she continued to inquire with me to be certain I was ok, she could see, I had simply neutralized my thoughts about the situation and was handling it the way I believed to be more serving to the circumstances.
Then she said something to me that made perfect sense. She said; “I had “Post Traumatic Strength”.
This made me take pause and I realized with all of my stresses in life, some being very traumatic, I found my way through. I used every traumatic experience to learn and build my capabilities with the capacity to understand it.
I learned at a very young age, when life was “hard”, as “they” say, it didn’t matter. I still had to buck up and deal with it. I didn’t get to give up.
No matter your traumas, stresses or sufferings, you can turn it into strength by choosing to.
Stress is here for us to be better, more capable of making amazing changes within us. Use it as one of your best tools instead of wasting your energy complaining about it, it will always be available to “stress over” if you choose to.
I can help you through your stress/trauma/despair. Give me a call and let’s chat.