Since as far back as I can remember, I’ve been driven by doing and finishing things. I’m ambitious and not afraid of challenges. As a kid, my mother reaped the rewards of me doing chores.
As a young adult with my 2 boys, I didn’t have a choice of not getting things done. I was a sole provider and had to do hard things. So I created leverage over myself.
I had power sentences I would say to get myself moving and accomplish what needed to be done. It produced multiple of results.
I was given a great sense of pride for doing and finishing all the things on my own (the challenges were endless).
It gave me a powerful new pattern of building a life I wanted and wanted to provide for my boys that I carry to this day (I no longer dread the challenges that show up).
The best part is respect for myself and knowing I could do anything I set my mind to (I just step up).
Who would you be if you dropped dread and just did whatever needs to be done?
Things to STOP to help life be more of what you want:
Fear (is only something you don’t know)
Things to START to create leverage and the life you want:
Just do it!
Life could be worse.
What is, isn’t that bad.
Love what is.
You got this.
Stay calm.
Hard things aren’t bad things.
Stop thinking and take action.
The only time we get stuck, is when we’re in our heads thinking all the wrong thoughts. This is were you have total control!
Make the life you wish for. If you need clarification, let’s chat!