Be Courageous!
Our brains are hardwired to stay comfortable. When we stay in our comfort zone, we repeat what we know and little changes. We’ve all had that thought: “why does this keep happening to me”, “why me”, “not again”.
If you’re ready for something new, be courageous and go for it! Let 2025 be your year for what you want.
When we wish or hope for something different, we must be courageous and do something different to achieve it. Ask for that raise, go for that dream job, pursue your dream partner, go for that healthy body you want.
Whatever it is you’ve been dreaming about, go for it with your courage!
Don’t let the hardwiring of your brain stop you, you’re better than that.
You have courage! Step into it and do what you know you must do. Don’t keep thinking about it, our thoughts slow us down and discourage us. Every time you think about doing it, you spend the energy it takes to do it. Once you’ve made the decision, you must take action and “Just Do It”.
This process will lower your stress, calm your anxiety, empower your strengths, even if it doesn’t work. Trust me, once you learn how to train your brain to be courageous, you’ll never look back. You’ll look forward to what else you can do! We all have this inside us, I can help you find yours so you can make the changes you need to make.
Don’t wait for it, take the first step this week to make you and your life what you want and deserve.
Let me help you, Coaching changes lives!
Xo Camille
P.S. Work with me for 6 coaching sessions and learn how to make the changes you wish for. Step into your unlimited capabilities and build your courage. Only 6 sessions will give you the tools to use for the rest of your life. You deserve it!
Remember to vote for your favorite businesses in the Good Times Best! I hope to win again this year and appreciate your support. Here’s your link, you have until Jan 19 to show your support; https://www.goodtimes.sc/best-of-ballot/#/gallery/?group=498176
Happy New Year 🥳