Allowing what is………
It’s easy to say, but not as easy to do. When we’re faced with a challenge, stay true to true yourself without abandoning you.
This is when it’s important to know who you really are and what is important for you to stay centered and purposeful. When we’re not being true to ourselves, we suffer. When we are true to ourselves, it may be challenging but it feels right. You’re flowing with the current versus swimming against it.
Either way the current can be a challenge.
Life is forever changing, when we can adapt to it we allow for what is inevitable. Staying open to your truth and seeing life as it appears, will help you adjust and flow instead of fighting it. It’s going to happen either way, you may as well flow with it!
We are all capable of accepting change even when it’s scary. Usually, when we’re scared, we are on the right path to what is next for us. I think we can all agree, the Unknown can be scary!
When great things have happened in our life, we had no idea they were going to happen. This is the evidence you can use to help calm the fear of the unknown. We can enjoy the process of learning and growing, even with our fear.
It’s all in the allowing for what is…..
If we can allow ourselves to be scared and face our fears, we can overcome them. We can re-create and rebuild whatever it is we desire. If you walk into your fears, with the idea of just being brave, you will weaken the emotion of fear.
Allow yourself to be brave and face your fears! This is where change exist. Sometimes we just need to get out of our comfort zone, to see what we’re missing.
Be Brave and Allow ⭐
Xo Camille
P.S. If you’d like more tips and tricks, to help with your struggles, follow me on FB Camille Ellis Life Coach and IG @camille_ellis_lifecoach ☺