Here’s the thing, being genuine and finding genuine connections can be hard. It takes effort, vulnerability, and presence. It also requires a level of awareness. Having a genuine connection is what we all want, we just have to make the effort.
Sometimes we struggle to connect with others - like really connecting by being totally engaged with a conversation. You feel it in your whole body when you are, and when you aren’t.
It’s the difference between just giving a canned response… and not.
Sometimes you have to dig deep, but it’s totally worth it.
Just because it feels unnatural, doesn’t mean that it is bad. It is just being CONSCIOUS; heart-centered, not brain-centered.
Your brain wants the fastest route, it doesn’t want to connect. It wants to small-talk and get out of there. It will fight you, but you have to rise above it. You WANT to rise above it.
Because on the other side of a genuine connection is fulfillment. It feels good to connect to other people. It drops you into your heart, and that is where you want to build relationships from. That is where you want to make decisions for your life!
Slow down just a bit and practice it with everyone in your life.
When someone tries to tell you a story that you don’t care about?
When someone calls you while you are in a hurry?
Take a breath. Dropping into your heart is more important than whatever errand you are running next.
This is about who you are being in the process of what you are doing, and how you leave others feeling.
That is what people remember. That is what attracts what you want in life to you. This is true human connection— practice and notice the difference.