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Hi! I’m Camille Ellis and I’ve had many hard balls thrown at me and found myself on the ground grasping for air more times than I ever expected. Every time I was knocked down, I found a strength inside of me and taught myself resilience and purpose. I got up, I found my center and focused on my “why”. 


I learned more about myself through all of my challenges. I found poverty sucks, but teaches you how to be frugal and still meet your needs. Bruises heal and words hurt more. Some fathers never contribute and you succeed anyway. Our children will grow and make choices we never expected and we can love and appreciate it. Health should never be taken advantage of and we as individuals are the only ones who really take care of ourselves. We are given bonus children as a gift in life.We are all capable of surviving terrible situations. Losing a child hurts your heart and locks up your chest. Having a child does the same. We are all lucky for every experience, it just takes seeing it from a different perspective. Life is always happening for us, even when it doesn’t feel like it. I am stronger than I could have ever imagined and also creative. I love life, Mother Nature, Sunshine and People; they’re so interesting and keep me curious.


My goal is to help as many people as I can. I want everyone to reach their own potential and feel purposeful while doing it. I hope to work until I can’t. I want to find more beauty, joy, laughter and love while I do all the things I do, even when I mess up.


If you’re ready to grow and feel more purposeful in your life, I’m your Coach!
Let’s get to work and see how far you can go ...

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